The Bible

Good Shepherd is a Biblically-based church. Therefore, our belief structure emanates from the Word of God. We are confident that God communicates to us the necessary elements of our faith through His Word in the Bible. It is in the Bible that we are introduced to God as Creator – Savior – and Sustaining Guide and Director. These are identified as Father – Son – and Holy Spirit. The Bible communicates to us that God loves the people He created so much that He desires each and every individual to be in a loving relationship with Him.


Knowing that we as human beings often fall short of what He would desire in our behavior and actions, God sends to us Jesus, His Son. Jesus is our Savior who, through His death and resurrection, has brought to each person the opportunity to live in an eternal, loving relationship with God. Through faith in Him, we know we are forgiven and redeemed through His death and resurrection.

The Church as the Body of Christ

We respond to God’s generous gift of salvation with a desire to live a life committed to following Him. As a church, we live out God’s Biblical directive that the church is the “Body of Christ”. We trust that God has given every person special and unique gifts and that He will use each individual as a part of the church to serve His Kingdom on earth.


We lift up Baptism as a gift from God to all who believe in God’s love for them centered on and within the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At Baptism God washes us clean and claims us as one of His children. We celebrate both infant and adult Baptism recognizing that as an infant is Baptized parents play an important role in developing a child’s faith commitment.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is also an important gift from God that we celebrate on a regular basis during our worship services. The bread and the wine represent the gift of His body and blood Jesus gave for our salvation. We know that Jesus is present at the meal of the bread and wine and that His body and blood are a real gift from God.