Epiphany Day 2023

From Pastor Paul Kopka

Adapted from Sundays and Seasons

Today is Epiphany! The day dedicated to the mysterious intersection between a new king, and some astrologers from the east. Guided by a star and some old prophecies, these astrologers are on a search for this new king. Yet they find an old king fearing the loss of his power and the child of a poor carpenter and his young wife. Now we probably would just keep looking, because surely a newborn king must be found in a royal house of some kind! But in their wisdom, these astrologers see royalty in this poor child named Jesus and treat him as such. The mysteriousness of the situation does not phase them.

Today may we, too, embrace mystery. Perhaps we might even fall in love with mystery all over again. Fear, doubt, and unbelief are often named as the opposite of faith, but could the opposite of faith simply be “answers”?  Now at first, this can be a difficult concept. But what about if by encouraging comfort and awe in mystery there might be a way for a new appreciation for faith? Because really, we do not always know how, where, why, or when God works. And, dear friends, that’s okay, because we know who is working: Christ Jesus, our Lord.

O God, the radiance of all faithful people, you brought the nations to the brightness of your rising,  Fill the world with your glory, and show yourself to all the world through him who is the true light and the bright morning star, your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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