Shepherd’s Heart – 4/7

Dear ones,

Last night, we gathered as a congregation for a very moving, Spirit-filled, and reflective Maundy Thursday service. The choral anthem, “Watch with Me” sent chills down my spine and was still ringing in my ears this morning when I woke. I can hardly wait to be led into worship by Jose, our incredible organist, as well as our choir for Good Friday services. Tonight, the choir will be singing “Lacrimosa,” and I know it will be a sacred time.

All this to say, I am expectant.

This is Holy week, the week in which we are all called to be expectant. Today, we have 3 Good Friday services – 2 Traditional offerings at 1pm and 7pm and one Contemporary offering at 8:15pm. I have such holy anticipation for our gatherings today and tonight. Will you join me in holy anticipation? Will you join me in prayerful preparation? Will you join me at the foot of the cross tonight as we remember our crucified Lord?

Then, the invitation to continue with the posture of holy anticipation lingers through Holy Saturday. Tonight, we will leave our spaces of worship in silence. We will leave with the stinging reminder that death is real. We will leave with the memory that the cross is empty and the tomb is not. But we will wait with holy anticipation believing that a lot can happen in 3 days.

Sunday is coming.

I don’t know where this email finds you today. I don’t know if you are in a place of grief or despair or emptiness. I don’t know if you are in a place of abundance and joy. I don’t know if you are navigating loss and disappointment or if you are celebrating newness and love. I don’t know where this email finds you. But I do know that the hope and promise of resurrection finds you wherever you are.

This weekend, there is a message for everyone – for all who are weary and despairing, and for all who are seeking and celebrating. Come expectant, ready, and open to whatever word God has for you. We have so many opportunities for you to gather in worship this weekend. For Contemporary, we have a 5pm Saturday service as well as 7:30am, 9:01am, and 10:29am on Sunday. For Traditional, we have 9am and 10:30am on Sunday. Prayerfully consider who you have in your life that is open to hearing the good news of Easter. Might you send a last-minute invitation? You just might be surprised what God could do with that.

In closing, here is the prayer I challenged you to begin praying daily. What a perfect weekend to continue praying this prayer.

Dear God,

We thank you that you are a redemptive and merciful God. We thank you for the mountaintops and the valleys in the Good Shepherd story – we know that you have never wasted a moment of any of it.

God, we are ready for the future. Give us ears to hear the ways you are speaking to us. Give us eyes to see where you are leading us. Give us a mind to dream your dreams. Give us a heart that is linked to your heart.

God, we want to be a church that flourishes for your glory and your glory alone. We want to be a church that partners with you on mission. We want to be a church with a heart that beats for those that don’t yet know you. We want to be a church that moves towards those in the margins with the hope, love, and mercy of Jesus. We want to be a church that makes disciples who makes disciples who makes disciples. Give us your eyes, your heart, your mind that we may be your hands, your feet, and your mouth.

Lord, lead us into the future you desire for us. We are ready. We are open. We are surrendered.

Lord, have your way in us.


Sunday is coming.

But don’t rush too quickly to the empty tomb. This is a week in which we wait in the sacred heaviness of each moment. Sit with holy anticipation for all the ways God wants to speak to us this weekend. Come in awe of the grandest story that culminates at the cross and the tomb. Come ready for a word from the Spirit. Come one, come all.

From my heart,

Pastor Tara Beth Leach

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