
September 29 | 4:30 – 6:00pm

Confirmation is a year-long experience meant to prepare students for the affirmation of their baptism. Registration is now open for this year’s Confirmation for students in 9th grade and older and their parent/guardian(s). Confirmation at Good Shepherd involves monthly meetings, at-home family studies, a retreat, and more. Confirmation begins September 29. Click below for more information and registration link.

Communion Instruction

November 2 | 9:00 – 11:30am

Learning about and taking communion is a significant milestone in a child’s faith walk! Registration is now open for Communion Instruction for children in 4th grade and older and their parent/guardian(s). Instruction takes place in two parts- an at-home component and an in-person component. In-person instruction will take place on November 2, 9-11:30am. Click below for more information and a registration link.