“Jesus wept. Then the people said, ‘See how He loved him (Lazarus)!’” John 11:35-36

We recognize the deep anguish that losing a loved one causes. The grief we feel is a result of the love we have. The death of a child, spouse, parent, or friend impacts every aspect of our lives and stirs up a wide range of emotions and thoughts. We want to offer a supportive place where members of our congregation can walk through grief together and find the supportive Christian community they need to endure the ups and downs of grief.

There’s no timeline or time limit to grief. Whether your loss is new or happened many years ago, you are invited to participate in all aspects of our grief support ministry. We will process and navigate the grief journey through the lens of our Christian faith to find hope and peace in Jesus.

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GriefShare September 9 - December 2
It hurts to lose someone. Our Grief Ministry is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the process of grieving alone. We offer seminars and groups throughout the year. Our GriefShare group meets weekly for 13 weeks twice a year. You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment, and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare group experience: video seminar, support group, and workbook. You are welcome to join our group for support at any time! Registration fee: $25.

Weekly GriefShare Support Groups

Our next round of grief groups will begin on September 9 - December 2. Our groups will meet every Monday from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. You are welcome to join our group for support at any time! Registration fee: $25. Please register here.  
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Men Supporting Men Widower’s Support Group
Every Third Thursday | 10 AM  Have you lost your wife or know a man who is grieving the loss of his wife? We understand how important it is to find a compassionate place to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss. Whether you lost your spouse within the past year, or it’s been years, this support group provides fellowship, friendship, and support. We invite you to help others or to find the care you need. Join us as we walk together through grief and loss with loving friendship and hope in Jesus. Come for fellowship and support as you or someone you know walks through the journey of losing their wife. This group is open to men of all ages in our church family and community. Questions? Please reach out to our Congregational Care Director, Pamela Palmer at ppalmer@goodshepherd-naperville.org.
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Serve with Grief Support GriefShare

Have you experienced the deep grief of losing a loved one to death? Have you learned valuable lessons and experienced healing from the hurt, and are ready to help others do the same?

Caring for others through our Grief Support Ministry creates opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus by using the gifts of our life experiences and becoming relationship builders with those in our community. 

Join the Grief Support Team

Sign up online to express interest and get more information about walking alongside those who are grieving and are in need of comfort, hope, and healing. Questions? Email Pamela Palmer, our Congregational Care Director.   
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Women Supporting Women Widows Support Group

Living a New Normal: Women Supporting Women

Every First Wednesday | 10 AM Do you know someone whose husband has passed away? Or perhaps you are walking this grief journey yourself and coming to grips with the idea of being a widow? We invite you to join a group of widows where support, encouragement, and fellowship are as close as the person sitting next to you. Join us as we journey together to a new "normal." Questions? Please reach out to our Congregational Care Director, Pamela Palmer at ppalmer@goodshepherd-naperville.org.
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