Shepherd’s Heart 10/6/23

Several years ago, while training for a triathlon, I decided to go for a long bike ride on unfamiliar roads in a remote area. About an hour into my ride, I realized that I hadn’t been paying attention to my route. I had no idea where I was and I had no idea how to get home. As nature would have it, I noticed the thick black clouds rapidly moving in my direction. This was certainly less than ideal.

 As I began to panic, I remembered I had a GPS on my smartphone that could guide me safely home. I quickly pulled out my phone, typed in the address, and pedaled as fast and hard as I could to get to my destination. I made it back before the storm got to me.

Life is a series of storms and sunshine. Life has seasons of joy and flourishing, and then sometimes the seasons feel more like a long winter. It’s the long winters and the storms that can bring about disorientation and fear.

God never promised an easy life for us. In fact, Jesus guarantees difficult times: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)  

Just as a captain of a ship seeks a lighthouse to bring his ship safely back to shore, the Light of the World shines in the darkness and through troubled seas. He beckons His people to follow him in the storms and even on the mountaintops. Much like Peter, it’s easy to focus only on the waves instead of keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s a daily intentional choice to turn our eyes to the One and True Light. He is the Peace in our troubled seas and promises to never leave us.  When our gaze is constantly on the storm and the waves, we experience fear. But when our gaze is constantly on Jesus, we experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

God promises to guide us in the darkness. Instead of aimless wondering through life, choose to allow God, our Great “GPS”, to lead you onward. God has given us tools to discern our direction in life; tools such as scripture, prayer, and brothers and sisters in Christ can help direct our Christian walk.  Take a few moments to reflect on your course in life.  Pray for the Spirit to continue to lead and guide you as you lean into the tools God has given you. 

This coming Sunday, we will have the gift of sitting at the feet of Janice Rubin as we unpack what it means to be a church that is For those with Disabilities. Janice served on staff for a number of years as the Student Ministries Director and was part of the team that helped launch Disability Ministry at Good Shepherd Church. Janice has served as Council President and a number of different leadership roles at Good Shepherd Church, but more importantly, she is a gifted Bible teacher, preacher, and woman of God. Since meeting Janice over 16 years ago, she has been a gift in my life and a source of wisdom and encouragement. I know that you will be blessed on Sunday.

Finally, a group of 20 brave Good Shepherd runners and walkers will join thousands of people on Sunday Morning to hit the pavement for the Chicago Marathon. Jeff and I are two of those brave souls, and we could not be more excited to join Team World Vision to help provide clean water for those around the world. Pray for our team – pray for strength and perseverance, and pray that the joy of the Lord would fill our hearts each step in the journey. 

From my heart,

Pastor Tara Beth

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