Shepherd’s Heart 11/3/23

One of the best things as a mama is seeing the world through my boys’ eyes. When they see the world, they see it with such wonder, curiosity, and awe. When they were young, it would even be just an ant hill, and they would “ooh” and “aaah” as though it were Mount Whitney. Seeing life through my boys’ eyes fills my heart with gratitude for the small things – that is, the things I often take for granted.

It is a practice to see the world through another person’s eyes. Sometimes we make life a myopic web with our own selves at the center. It takes intentionality to see life through someone’s eyes other than our own; but when we do, we learn how to become more hospitable, more loving, more compassionate, more empathetic, and our hearts become more open to new and untouched horizons.

It’s an even deeper practice to begin seeing the world through God’s eyesseeing our neighbors, our brothers, our sisters, and the people we worship with through God’s eyes.

Last week, we talked about what it means to WALK with God, and you were invited to practice seeing the world through God’s eyes as you walk your own neighborhood. If you weren’t in worship or if you haven’t had a chance to do this, perhaps consider taking a prayer walk this weekend. Simply take a stroll through your own neighborhood and pray, “Lord give me eyes to see my neighborhood as you see it.” Be open to what God wants to reveal or say to you. Walk without agenda or pretenses, but walk with a supple heart and mind before God. Trust that God will show you what he wants to show you.

This week, the challenge for us is to not only look to Jesus, but look at the world through Jesus’ eyes. One of the ways we can do this is to do what my Seminary Professor, Dr. David Fitch used to say, “Tend to the presence of Jesus as we are tending to the presence of others.” In other words, this week, as you are engaging others, be present with them, and also be present with Jesus. Ask the Lord as you are encountering the world around you, “Jesus, how do you see this person?” Pray this prayer, especially with those who you are having a tough time understanding. Pray this prayer, practice this, and see what God does in your heart. 

Many of you know that this week I had my Theological Review Panel with the ELCA synod leadership. Things went very well and I am very happy with the outcome of that panel. However, this is still only one step in the entire rostering process. With many steps still to navigate, it looks like we are still about a year away from rostering and the Bishop has yet to grant Synodical Authorization to serve the sacraments. The Church Council and I are in prayerful discernment on how we can best lead our church with the restrictions at hand. We are trusting that the Spirit is guiding us with abundant wisdom. 

Pastor Glen Wagner

This week, I had a wonderful and bittersweet call with Pastor Glen. He has been on an ongoing journey of discernment that resulted in clarity two Sundays ago while he was preaching when he clearly heard from the Spirit, “It’s time.” Please take the time to read his letter here.

Pastor Glen has recently received some major opportunities in his consulting work that will lead to more demands on his time. He is very excited about this work, and that has shifted his focus, attention, time, and passion.

In addition, he is excited about the onboarding of Jake Roberts, and feels like it is now “ok” for him to go – he was glad to serve the church for two years after his retirement, and now the timing seems more right than ever.

As I reflect on the years of knowing Pastor Glen, Pastor Glen was there for me at critical points in my ministry journey. When I came on staff 16 years ago, he mentored me and emboldened me to preach, teach, and lead. Pastor Glen believed in me before I believed in myself. He was the first to offer a good theology book when I had complex questions, and he was the first to sit and listen to me when I was working through ministry dilemmas. I have many Pastor Glen stories, and I am sure you do, too. So I know the news of a beloved pastor moving on is never easy. I do believe that Pastor Glen is being led by the Spirit of God and that we will continue to be led by the Spirit of God. God has us all in the palm of his hand.

Pastor Glen’s last Sunday will be Sunday, November 26th. He will be preaching in all services and we will have a reception following all services to celebrate his ministry. 

I love you more than you know, Good Shepherd.

From my heart,

Pastor Tara Beth  

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