Shepherd’s Heart 11/10/23

Whenever I think about my grandfather’s story, I feel a rainbow of emotions – from gratitude for the sacrifices he made to sadness for the hardships he endured. I am told my grandpa was “larger than life,” though I wouldn’t remember since I was only 1 when he died. He was a farm boy who grew up slopping the hogs in the small town of Sessor, Illinois. But by the time he was 15 years old, he became a baseball prodigy.

Word spread across the country that he could “hit the ball a country mile,” and eventually, the Brooklyn Dodgers took notice…he was headed for baseball stardom. But then, Pearl Harbor happened. Off he went to play ball for the Navy in North Africa until the German sailors were captured from U-505. Grandpa and his team were sent to guard the German sailors in Louisiana. It’s a story made for movies, but eventually my grandfather and the rest of the baseball team taught the German sailors how to play baseball. And then his life was altered when he shattered his knee.

It’s a story of shattered dreams and sacrifice, and as we enter Veteran’s Day weekend, I honor my grandpa and the countless Veterans who have gone before us so that we can live in this beautiful country we call home. This Sunday, we will honor Veterans in all service by inviting them to stand, and we will also be singing “Eternal Father! Strong to Save” in all services. “Eternal Father! Strong to Save” is a hymn of the United States Navy, and when we sing it together on Sunday, we will be joining the countless Veterans who sang that hymn during seasons of bravery and sacrifice. In addition, we have a prayer wall in our café where prayers for Veterans can be posted for all to see. Join us in honoring Veterans this Sunday!

Lord, Teach us to Pray

In addition, we will begin a 2 week series on Prayer, “Lord Teach us to Pray.” This Sunday, I’m looking forward to unpacking some of the Lord’s prayer and Jesus’s invitation to experience the thrill of an intimate prayer life with him. The following week, we will have special Prayer services in all expressions of worship, and I am looking forward to our church experiencing the power of prayer together.

A Note about the Sacraments and Stoles

In the coming weeks, you will notice that I will be administering sacraments. We want you to know that in an effort to honor the synodical process, Pastor Greg will continue to “bless” the sacraments before the service, but I will no longer be mentioning his “pre-blessings” from the platform. In addition, you will see me wearing stoles in the sanctuary. Stoles are a symbol of ordination – not specific to the ELCA. As you know, I am an Ordained Elder in another denomination, and the stoles are representative of that position. 

An Opportunity to Care for our Staff

Every Thursday at 10am, our staff gathers in the Café for a time of fellowship, celebrations, and updates over snacks and coffee. For the first couple of months, we have been rotating staff teams to provide the snacks, but we invite you to consider joining in on the fun. We have developed a sign-up for anyone in the congregation to volunteer to provide treats for our staff. One time is a gift – our staff would welcome simple treats from you, and they would cherish the love and appreciation! You can find the sign-up here, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to give us a ring at the church or send an email to

Good Shepherd Church, you are an island of love and warmth and joy in a world full of so much despair. May we together continue to shine the hope of Jesus. I love you more than you know.

From my heart,

Pastor Tara Beth

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