Embracing Our Future Together: A Letter from Your Pastoral Team

Dear Beloved Congregation of Good Shepherd,

As your pastoral team, we come to you with a posture of hope and anticipation. After much prayer, discernment, and discussion, we wish to share with you our united affirmation of Good Shepherd’s transition from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC). This decision, we believe, marks the beginning of a bright and promising new chapter in our church’s journey.

We recognize that change, especially of this magnitude, can be met with a mix of emotions: excitement, uncertainty, perhaps even apprehension. It is a journey that requires faith, trust, and a collective commitment to our mission as a church. We, your pastors – Tara Beth Leach, Jake Roberts, Pamela Palmer, and Greg Wenhold – are wholeheartedly committed to leading our congregation through this transition with grace, understanding, and an unwavering focus on our shared purpose in Christ. We are focused on keeping the “main thing the main thing” – that is, Jesus and the work he calls us to do. 

Our decision to endorse this shift is not made lightly. It comes from a deep place of prayerful consideration and a shared vision for what Good Shepherd can become within the LCMC. We believe that this new affiliation offers us an opportunity to further align with our core values, to expand our mission outreach, and to deepen our commitment to scriptural teaching and Christian fellowship.

As a church, we have always strived to be a community where faith is lived, hope is shared, and love is put into action. This transition to the LCMC opens new avenues for us to live out these ideals more fully. We see a future where our church is not just a place of worship, but a radiant light of Christ’s love in our community and beyond.  A future where we continue to grow in our faith, serve with compassion, and invite everyone to walk together in the calling of Christ for a life of eternal impact.

For all of us, Good Shepherd is our home and our family. With you, we want to cultivate a home where we can get on with the mission of God without denominational limitations. All of us have our own unique stories with our experiences within the ELCA – at times it has been met with frustration, discouragement, and distrust. And, all of us believe our future is brighter with the LCMC. 

In even just the last couple of months of getting to know potential colleagues in the LCMC, Pastor Tara Beth especially has been blessed by the hospitality, comradery, and pastoral support and care. 

We have been inspired by the missional focus of the LCMC. It is a denomination that understands its call to live out the greatest commandment and great commission in God’s world and is busy doing the work of the kingdom. That’s the kind of denominational home we all yearn to be part of. 

In the coming weeks and months, as we move through the congregational votes, meeting, and beyond, we will be working diligently to ensure a smooth and thoughtful potential transition. This includes our Shepherd’s Heart Live on January 11th, and our ongoing pastoral support to help our congregation understand and engage with what this change means for us as a church and as individuals.

We understand that this is a significant change and that you may have questions or concerns. We want to hear from you. Your thoughts, your feelings, and your faith journey are integral to the fabric of our church. We are here to walk alongside you, to listen, to pray, and to seek God’s guidance together.

As we embark on this new path, we do so with the confidence that God is leading us. With hope in our hearts, we step forward in faith, trusting in the Lord’s guiding hand upon Good Shepherd.

We ask for your prayers, your support, and your active participation as we move into this exciting future. Together, we are not just a congregation; we are a family in Christ, united in our purpose and our passion to serve Him.

In Christ’s Love and Service,

Pastor Tara Beth Leach

Pastor Jake Roberts

Pastor Greg Wenhold

Pastor Pamela Palmer

Good Shepherd Church

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