Council Nominations

We are beginning the process of discerning and praying over Council candidates, and we invite our congregation to be part of this nomination process.

What are the gifts needed on Council?

Aside from the gifts of leadership, the most important gift is the ability to prayerfully discern God’s will for our congregation. This includes the ability and willingness to listen to God and to our congregation.

What are the responsibilities of Council?

Per our constitution, Council members serve a 3-year term. At Good Shepherd, Council typically meets once a month, but that can vary depending on the needs of the congregation.

How do I nominate a leader in our congregation?

If you are aware of a Good Shepherd member who has the gift of leadership in this context, please submit names to Elections are a part of the Annual Meeting which will be Sunday, May 5, 2024.

Questions about Council? Read about Our History and Meet Our Council Members.

Further questions on the roles and responsibilities of Council? These are found in Chapter 12 of the Constitution and Chapter 4 of the Bylaws.

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