Use your spiritual gifts!
We have several opportunities available for musicians and vocalists. If you are interested in partnering with us in worship as people come to know and love God, please send us an email.
Festival Singers
Choral singing for 9:30 Sanctuary services September – May. No experience necessary; ability to read music preferred. Weekly rehearsal on Thursday evenings.
Festival Orchestra
Instrumentalists for Sanctuary orchestra. Strings, reeds, brass and percussion. Play for special events such as Christmas Eve and Holy Week. Rehearsals as needed.
11:11 Band
Cutting-edge Christian music with vocal soloists and rhythm section instrumental backing. Auditions required. Weekly rehearsal on Wednesday evenings.
Youth Orchestra
Strings, reeds, brass and percussion. Our Good Shepherd Youth Orchestra would like to invite all of our student musicians to explore opportunities to lead worship with their musical gifts! Every Christmas Eve we have two family services that feature music led by our Orchestra. Also, in the past 2 years, we have expanded our program to include smaller ensemble groups that help lead worship all year round. ALL THOSE INTERESTED: Email leader below to learn more and get started!